Life-changing results at Cancer Hospital
Taking the CT scan process from 29 days to 1 day
As Australia’s first public hospital dedicated to cancer treatment, research, and education, the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre has a high demand for CT scans every day of the year. The hospital’s teams knew that the way they were delivering the process needed to change to improve the patient outcomes. Typically, it took on average 29 days from booking a CT scan, to attending it, and the results took a further 60 hours.
The overall impact was that patients were waiting over a month to get urgent results, and Peter Mac staff were frustrated with the avoidable back and forths and delays the process created for each patient. The leadership team used XeP3 to build a detailed understanding of how the process was working, the amount of Noise it had, and what the quantified underling drivers of that Noise were.
The team launched a change program to address the underlying causes of the Noise, simplify the process, and bring the total elapsed time each patient.
Peter Mac found their CT Scan process Noise level was 44%
The average number of days to book a CT scan reduced from 29 days to same day booking
Increased scheduling performance led to material revenue uplift
The freed-up capacity increased scan throughput by 6 each day
Report turnaround time fell from 60 hours to 13 hours