Meet the platform used in 278+ successful transformations across the world.
We ensure you move faster than everyone else
XeP3 halves the time to implementation. In the first two weeks staff, wherever they are, document everything they do. XeP3 constructs the end-to-end process, then pinpoints, quantifies and prioritises the system-wide opportunities.
Implementation can start as early as week 5.
Conventional approaches start with weeks of interviews just to decide where to focus. Then often fail to deliver more than spot-improvements before delaying.
Power in data
Experience XeP3’s intuitive productivity analytics that drives process reengineering and restructures and its innovative process performance benchmarking. Learn more about XeP3.
The method
Experience the intuitive productivity analytics that drive XeP3’s process reengineering and restructures and its innovative process performance benchmarking.
Over 25 years we have refined our method to build unrivalled data analytics and end-to-end process restructuring tools.
We have proven that by the end of week 1, using XeP3, you truly engage your people to deliver the outcomes and establish the mechanism for ongoing change – something which took Toyota decades.