Delivering results with Australia Post


As Australia Post was transforming its operations, improving internal processes became a top priority to boost customer satisfaction and employee engagement. With a consulting partner, XeP3 was deployed to review the billing and credit note processes, identifying key areas for improvement and ways to enhance the overall experience for staff and customers.

Our consulting partner collected process data from 37 team members, representing 275 FTE across Australia Posts operational teams. These staff documented over 2,100 activity steps and assigned time to each.

The results showed that 65% of the effort was consumed by Noise.

Feedback from more than 100 customers and interviews with small and medium businesses gave insight into the billing experience. Our partner analyzed credit note data and customer complaints to further determine the root causes of delays and other issues.

The main challenges found included failure demand, poor information flow, unclear responsibilities of roles across the processes, and technology limitations.


Australia Post found 65% Noise in their processes

The chart shows total process effort for the key processes in review


The Australia Post team stood up a series of workstreams to directly address these areas of Noise and failure and target the customer experience

  • Simplify the customer billing experience with easy-to-access help and support

  • Re-define and agree process and role design to improve first time right, and resolve any disputes much faster

  • Prevent, detect, and manage errors better through system improvements and automation

  • Simplify product and pricing for the customer experience

  • Target elimination of Noise to maximise billing accuracy

  • Put enhanced oversight and reports in-place to maintain long-term process performance and health

Thank you to our consulting partner, Bevington Group, who delivered this excellent work for Australia Post with XeP3


Feel the Noise: Is It Draining Your Organisation’s Time?


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